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My Last Photos from New Zealand. Enjoy!Posted by Jake Woodnutt on Wed 6th Mar 2013 @ 7:43 pm
So this is my last post from my travels around New Zealand. Met loads of awesome people and saw some incredible places. I hope you enjoyed my posts from my trip and keep you eye out for more posts from all the portrait shoots i have lined up!
My surf board.
The cat caught a gecko. I rescued it in return for a photo
Distant relations who kindly put me up for a couple of nights on my travels.
Auckland airport
Departures :(
Me and my plane
Free slippers in the VIP lounge
Free food!
Guangzhou airport
Bumped up to the VIP lounge the second time this trip. Loving life.
Cold morning in Coventry
Focus on Imaging show at the NEC in Birmingham
Ahhh, So thats why the equipment is so expensive!