Romans vs CarthaginiansPosted by Jake Woodnutt on Thu 6th Oct 2016 @ 12:59 pm
We were lucky enough to see the very impressive Romans vs Carthaginians festival in Cartagena last month. I had heard of General Hannibal and his Elephants, crossing the alps with 100,000 infantry, 12,000 horseman and, they reckon, about 40 elephants to attack Rome. We learned that he was actually from Cartagena. His and his army's efforts marching to attack Rome left Cartagena vulnerable and defenceless. This week of festivities was about exactly that.
I took with my my Canon 5D mark ii
24-70mm f2.8 lens Used lots
50mm f1.4 Used quite a lot
70-200mm f4. Never used
There was a huge amount of effort put into all the uniforms throughout the